Kolon Kanseri Tanı ve Taramasına Yönelik Biyosensör

Kolon kanseri tanı ve taramasına yönelik biyosensörü

Kolon Kanseri Tanı ve Taramasına Yönelik Biyosensör

Summary of Enterprise:

Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, colon (large intestine) cancer is among the top 3 most common cancer types in our country. The main goal of the project is to develop an inexpensive, fast, easy and mobile compatible sensor for screening in order to detect colorectal cancer at an early stage before it develops. It is planned to reduce invasive cancer morbidity and mortality with the biosensor for colorectal cancer screening. With the sensor we plan to develop, it will be possible to detect and treat premalignant adenomatous polyps and early localized cancers.


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